Club Awards night success

The Club enjoyed an evening of celebration at the annual Dinner & Awards evening held at the Cathedral refectory on 27th.

Events started with a fab Junior players awards event - with nearly 200 youngsters and parents attended prior to the evening event.

At the senior event, we welcomed two wonderful guests - Steve Godwin and Angie Cottee and over 110 members for a great evening - top company, great fizz, a super meal, awesome raffle, and the opportunity to celebrate all our Award Winners.

Top Club awards were:

Pip Hart - Club Umpires award; Goodman Cup (Club Player of the Season - Liv Childs; Offord Cup - Men’s senior player of season - Andy Mallinson ; Hankin Page Trophy - Ladies Senior Player of Season - Tilly Hutchen ; Jerry Fisher 120% Cup - for maximum effort and commitment on the pitch - Nicci Foster-Kenyon ; and Junior Players of the season (playing senior hockey) - Rory Jack and Amalee Nolan.

Our congratulations t all Winners, and to all winning teams who gained promotion this year (L1, L3, M1, M2, M3 and M4.) And a big thanks to all who helped organise this event - Kate, Maz, Richard, Emma, Tim, Ben, Pip, Anna, John-Mark & Cathy.